
  Services for youth

The Sphères program offers psychosocial follow-ups that are individualized, voluntary, and long-term.

Clinical Support

Working together, the intervention workers and participants explore alternative ways to respond to their needs through various activities. All throughout this process of change, there is respect for the participants’ pace and for their view of their situation.

Response to Urgent Needs

 The intervention workers are committed to supporting the youth by helping them meet their various needs. When not satisfied, these needs become factors that may trigger a return to sexual exploitation. 

This support takes many forms, from helping the youth in their proceedings with certain organizations, to obtaining specialized services or help. This support also involves putting a safety net in place to decrease the risks associated with sexual exploitation. 

Opportunities for Self-Discovery

Nos intervenant·es ont pour objectif d amener les jeunes du programme à se découvrir, augmenter leur estime de soi et se projeter vers l avenir par le biais de différentes activités. Cela vise à les aider à construire leur identité et à développer leur pouvoir d’agir.  

  • Sport activities: horseback riding, go-karting, paddle boarding, etc.
  • Cultural activities: Biodôme, museums, cinema, etc.
  • Artistic activities: ceramic café, jewelry-making, etc.

  Services for Professionals

The Sphères program can offer its specialized expertise on intervening with people in sexual exploitation to other involved professionals.

Support and advice for intervening with people in sexual exploitation

Due to the complexity and sensitivity of this issue, it is common for the professionals working with these youth to feel unequipped to intervene in the context of sexual exploitation. So, if you are working with youth aged 12 to 24 and you wish to have more tools for identifying and referring a youth who may be experiencing sexual exploitation, refer to our intervention support section*

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